Sunday, February 10, 2008

My Appologies to Bill Alexander

I recently received a note from my brother-in-law (who is a real artist) asking if I was still doing a painting a day. Hah! Not since July of last year. I'm still working on Gordon but needed something to do while part of his shirt is drying so it got me thinking it would be a good idea to do a daily painting. I've never been any good at landscapes so I decided it was a good idea to practice, but where to start?

Did you ever watch "The Magic of Oil Painting" with Bill Alexander? I did. He does landscapes and he does them quickly. Like in a half hour show. I always wanted to do that but was sure I would make a mess of it. He is so freaking happy all the time. And he has this cute little Prussian accent. Anyway, I watched his show every day. That was about 25 years ago.

Well, without the benefit of any current episodes, I attempted to remember how it was done. I didn't want to take forever but I did not trust my memory of how he did it. So I started with a small canvas (8" x 10") in order to cut the time. I'm not sure it helped. It took me twice as long as Bill (about an hour), but I did manage to get it done in a day!

For information about purchasing this painting, click here.

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